The history of Mechanical seals

The history of Mechanical Seals (MS) goes back 100 years. It started in the USA in 1905, the inventor was Mr James Cook. He invented so-called Cooks seal. There was a lot of leaking, but the basic principle of operation and their adoption was invented.
These days, a big part of the market is controlled by the big˝three˝.
Largescale production of mechanical seals started in 1939 when Crane Packing started to produce MS for the automotive industry. The company later joined with John Crane from Great Britain and since then they are among the big three in MS in the world.
The second company among the big three is FLOWSERVE, it was established in 1930. It grew mostly through the acquisition of other producers of MS.
The third one is Eagle Burgmann. Burgmann was established in 1962 in Germany, Eagle in Japan in 1964. In 1987 they merged with nowadays Eagle Burgman.
These three companies control the lions share of the market for MS.
Apart from these three, there are numerous smaller companies that operate mainly within their country or regionally. Vital technology at producing MS is lapping. In the 80s, standards for mechanical seals were adopted. The result of that was that numerous small companies that produced mechanical seals occurred. Many disappeared, many others were eaten by larger ones. But adopted standards allowed companies from another part of the world to compete with their products for their share of the market in Europe and North America. This became obvious when China opened to the world. They entered developed markets with much lower prices, at the beginning also with lower quality. Most of them are from NINGBO industrial area. But with time, the quality improved and today their products are as good as any other. The impact of these companies on European and NA-n markets was enormous. Lots of companies disappeared. They could not compete with them, especially when their quality became high. And many EU and NA companies transferred their production to China, because of low producing costs and potentially huge Chinese market.
As time went on, living standards in China grew, production costs grew, and prices of MS also grew. Today, production costs of some types are very much the same in China as they are in EU. And with growing wealth of Chinese society, this gap will become smaller and smaller. Small MS producers are fighting a hard battle to survive in this environment. Their biggest problem is marketing, how to display and offer their products to a larger number of customers. Because marketing is expensive our website gives them the solution. To compete with stronger and larger companies on an equal basis. This is an opportunity that no producer of MS should miss. If you are in CO, you can grow, otherwise, you might disappear.